Upcoming Events- All Meetings at the church building unless otherwise stated

  • Nov. 17: Canceled
  • Dec: TBD
  • Jan. 26: Carnival and Backyard Gym
  • Feb. 23: Blue & Gold
  • Mar 29: Arrow of Light & Outdoor Games
  • April 26: Pinewood Derby
  • May 24: Outdoor Sports

Monday, November 11, 2013

Service Opportunities...

Here is what we have coming up in the next week:

Tuesday Nov. 12 - NO CUB SCOUTS

Saturday Nov. 16 - Family Service Holiday Food Drive

We will be meeting at the Mapes home on Saturday Nov. 16 at 9:30 am.  We will be picking up donations of food / toys.  We will then deliver the items to Family Services located on 612 Lawton St. in Redlands.

***This is always a fun activity to be involved in.  We live in a great community and its fun to see how much can be accomplished when we work together.

Tuesday Nov. 19 - Pack Meeting at LDS Church at 6:30 pm

Start collecting stickers! Ask friends / neighbors / family if they would like to help us!

This pack meeting we will be focusing on service.  

The Sticker Project
The purpose of this project, simply stated, is to allow you the chance to give Christmas to a child in Argentina.

In an effort to spread holiday cheer during the 2012 holiday season while living in Venado Tuerto, Argentina, my two daughters and I came up with an idea called The Sticker Project. Stickers are valuable little gifts in Argentina; they are not only difficult to find, but very expensive. I posted the idea of sending our family stickers on my blog the day after Thanksgiving (2012) only expecting a few of my immediate family members to respond. Subsequently, we began receiving hundreds upon hundreds of envelopes stuffed with stickers from throughout the world. We quickly realized that we needed to find much more than 50 children (our original goal) to take a sticker bag to.

Thanks to my talkative 5-year-old who was telling her classmates about our overnight sticker factory, a mother of one of the students caught wind of our project and directed me to the local catholic association for needy families called MANÁ de Venado Tuerto.

Every Christmas for the past 20 years or so, MANÁ has delivered a box of food and eating utensils to at least 50 different families in the province of Santa Fe. They had never been able to include something for the children of these families. The idea of using sticker bags was “heaven sent” and turned out to be the perfect contribution to their cause.

For more on this story, click

My family won’t be living in Argentina forever, but we definitely feel that this project has been too special not to continue. Rut Covernton, the director of MANÁ de Venado Tuerto, has agreed to carry this project out for us as an annual event. Rut is an acting professor at the local Santa Rosa Community College in Venado Tuerto, Santa Fe, Argentina. She is a trustworthy, organized individual with a big heart whom we highly respect and trust.  
We will also be doing another project with the kids but we will have all of the supplies for that.
Have a great Veteran's Day and we hope to see you Saturday!!!


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