Upcoming Events- All Meetings at the church building unless otherwise stated

  • Nov. 17: Canceled
  • Dec: TBD
  • Jan. 26: Carnival and Backyard Gym
  • Feb. 23: Blue & Gold
  • Mar 29: Arrow of Light & Outdoor Games
  • April 26: Pinewood Derby
  • May 24: Outdoor Sports

Monday, November 11, 2013

Rubberband Guns

 This week the Wolf & Bear Scouts talked about being Resourceful.  We made rubber-band guns with only a stick and clothespin.  The boys did some target practice and then had a "shoot off". 

The boys were so good about waiting behind the line...and look how great they all look with uniforms and neckerchiefs.  Thanks parents!

 Final tally...the winner got to be first for refreshments.  Tyler W. came up last to shoot and won! 

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