Upcoming Events- All Meetings at the church building unless otherwise stated

  • Nov. 17: Canceled
  • Dec: TBD
  • Jan. 26: Carnival and Backyard Gym
  • Feb. 23: Blue & Gold
  • Mar 29: Arrow of Light & Outdoor Games
  • April 26: Pinewood Derby
  • May 24: Outdoor Sports

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

If anyone is interested...


A great opportunity awaits any Cub Scout that is ready to show off their good manners, good nutrition sense and their scientific side.  The CIE scout shop here in Redlands will be holding a workshop on November 16, 2013, from 10am sharp until 1’oclock pm.

At the conclusion of the workshop each participant will have earned his Good Manners belt loop and a two part completion of his Nutrition belt loop, as well as a two part completion of the Science Everywhere module in the Cub Scout Nova Award guidebook.**  A fee of five dollars will be charged to cover materials need for the workshop.  We only have room for twenty five participants so please sign up ASAP.  Each participant will need to be accompanied by one adult for the entire workshop.  Please call the Scout Shop with any questions at (909) 307-3950.  Location: 1230 Indiana Court, Redlands, CA 92374.

See you there!

**Each participant along with an adult will need to finish the third part of the nutrition belt loop and the science everywhere module by preparing a nutritious meal at home after the workshop.

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