Upcoming Events- All Meetings at the church building unless otherwise stated

  • Nov. 17: Canceled
  • Dec: TBD
  • Jan. 26: Carnival and Backyard Gym
  • Feb. 23: Blue & Gold
  • Mar 29: Arrow of Light & Outdoor Games
  • April 26: Pinewood Derby
  • May 24: Outdoor Sports

Monday, November 16, 2015

November Pack Meeting Canceled

Hello Cub Scout Families,

We have canceled this months pack meeting. We were planning an Arrow Of Light ceremony but there was a conflict with schedules.

~ Bear Pack - note from Brother Zollinger

The boys need to carve one more item in order to complete the required Bear Claw Adventure.  The book states that they should carve one item from soap and one item from wood.  The boys started the soap carving last week. 

***Brother Zollinger is willing to have a den meeting in place of the pack meeting tomorrow but we need to know who is interested.  Please contact one of us as soon as possible, Mark or Misty.

One more item to remember.  Next month the Bear Pack will be working on Tool Safety.  Your son can get a head start by going to one of the Lowe's / Home Depot workshops that are offered on Saturday mornings.

Here is a link to Lowes : 


Here is a link to Home Depot:


Have a great week!

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