Upcoming Events- All Meetings at the church building unless otherwise stated

  • Nov. 17: Canceled
  • Dec: TBD
  • Jan. 26: Carnival and Backyard Gym
  • Feb. 23: Blue & Gold
  • Mar 29: Arrow of Light & Outdoor Games
  • April 26: Pinewood Derby
  • May 24: Outdoor Sports

Monday, October 14, 2013

BSA/LDS 100th Celebration and Thomas S. Monson Award

Hello Cub Scouts and Families,

On October 29 there will be a special broadcast celebrating 100 years of collaboration between the LDS church and the Boy Scouts of America.  The broadcast will be televised at the LDS Stake Center at 350 Wabash Ave (our regular meeting place).  Your family is welcome to attend. 

Here is a list of activities that will be happening that night, it may be updated as the evening gets closer.

There is a planned Pine Wood Derby beginning before the broadcast.  Bring an old car to race for fun.  This will start at 6:00 pm. 
Any scout or leader who has earned the Thomas S. Monson award will receive recognition and be presented it at the celebration.  This will begin at 7:00 pm.  There is a link below that lists the requirements for the award.  The link for the requirements are at the bottom of the page. 

The broadcast will be followed by peach cobbler for dessert.

***All scouts should be in uniform.


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